dr. R.F.W. (Ruud) Franssen
fysiotherapeut en bewegingswetenschapper
- Hartrevalidatie
- Prevalidatie (optimaliseren van gezondheid in voorbereiding op een zware behandeling; b.v. een operatie).
- Fontys hogescholen, Eindhoven
- Maastricht University, Maastricht
Specialist sinds
In VieCuri sinds
Werkzaam op locaties
Nederlands, Engels en Duits
Onderzoek en publicaties
- 101P Evidence base for exercise prehabilitation suggests favourable outcomes for patients undergoing surgery for non-small cell lung cancer despite being of low therapeutic quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Influence of different data-averaging methods on mean values of selected variables derived from preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients scheduled for colorectal surgery
Letter to the Editor: Should we put more emphasis on the functional impact instead of the incidence of postoperative complications to evaluate quality of care in surgical oncology?
Evidence base for exercise prehabilitation suggests favourable outcomes for patients undergoing surgery for non-small cell lung cancer despite being of low therapeutic quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Therapeutic delay in curative treatment of colorectal cancer, does it impact oncological outcome and survival?: a non-inferiority analysis
Feasibility of a tele-prehabilitation program in high-risk patients with colon or rectal cancer undergoing elective surgery: a feasibility study
Inter-observer agreement of preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test interpretation in major abdominal surgery
Moderate-intensity exercise training or high-intensity interval training to improve aerobic fitness during exercise prehabilitation in patients planned for elective abdominal cancer surgery?
The Association Between Treatment Interval and Survival in Patients With Colon or Rectal Cancer: A Systematic Review
Letter to the editor: Can we really conclude that treatment delays are associated with poorer outcome in patients with colorectal cancer awaiting elective surgery?
Associations between pretreatment physical performance tests and treatment complications in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: A systematic review