dr. L. (Lisa) de Rooij
AIOS chirurgie
- Vooropleiding plastische chirurgie
- Geneeskunde, Universiteit van Maastricht, 2016
Onderzoek en publicaties
1. De Rooij L, van Kuijk SMJ, van Haaren ERM, Janssen A, Vissers YLJ, Beets GL, van
Bastelaar J. A single-center, randomized, non-inferiority study evaluating seroma
formation after mastectomy combined with flap fixation with or without suction
drainage: Protocol for the Seroma reduction and drAin fRee mAstectomy (SARA)
trial. BMC Cancer. 2020 Aug 7;20(1):735. doi: 10.1186/s12885-020-07242-0.
2. De Rooij L, van Kuijk SMJ, Granzier RWY, Hintzen KFH, Heymans C, Theunissen LLB,
von Meyenfeldt EM, van Essen JA, van Haaren ERM, Janssen A, Vissers YLJ, Beets
GL, van Bastelaar J. Reducing Seroma Formation and Its Sequelae After Mastectomy
by Closure of the Dead Space: A Multi-center, Double-Blind Randomized Controlled
Trial (SAM-Trial). Ann Surg Oncol. 2021 May;28(5):2599-2608. doi: 10.1245/s10434-
3. Hintzen KFH, de Rooij L, Schouten N, van Bastelaar J, Cörvers SAJ, Janssen A, van
Haaren ERM, Vissers YLJ. Molecular analysis of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with
breast cancer using one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA): Does not lead to
overtreatment in the current era of de-escalating axillary management. Surg Oncol.
2020 Dec;35:224-228. doi: 10.1016/j.suronc.2020.09.010.
4. De Rooij L, Bosmans JWAM, van Kuijk SMJ, Vissers YLJ, Beets GL, van Bastelaar J. A
systematic review of seroma formation following drain-free mastectomy. Eur J Surg
Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):757-763. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2020.10.010
5. De Rooij L, van Kuijk SMJ, van Haaren ERM, Janssen A, Vissers YLJ, Beets GL, van
Bastelaar J. Negative pressure wound therapy does not decrease postoperative
wound complications in patients undergoing mastectomy and flap fixation. Sci Rep.
2021 May 5;11(1):9620. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-89036-3.
6. De Rooij L, Kimman ML, Spiekerman van Weezelenburg MA, van Kuijk SMJ,
Granzier RWY, Hintzen KFH, Heymans C, Theunissen LLB, van Haaren ERM, Janssen
A, Vissers YLJ, Beets GL, van Bastelaar J. Economic evaluation of flap fixation
techniques after mastectomy: Results of a double-blind randomized controlled trial
(SAM-trial). Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 Sep;49(9):107003. doi:
7. Spiekerman van Weezelenburg MA, de Rooij L, Aldenhoven L, Broos PPHL, van
Kuijk SMJ, van Haaren ERM, Janssen A, Vissers YLJ, Beets GL, van Bastelaar J.
Evaluating HEmopatch® in Reducing Seroma-Related Complications following
Axillary Lymph Node DIssection: A Pilot Study (HEIDI). Breast Care (Basel). 2022
Dec;17(6):567-572. doi: 10.1159/000525839.
8. Spiekerman van Weezelenburg MA, de Rooij L, Aldenhoven L, van Kuijk SMJ, van
Haaren ERM, Janssen A, Vissers YLJ, Beets GL, van Bastelaar J. Drain-free
mastectomy and flap fixation: The interim analysis of a randomized controlled
noninferiority trial. J Surg Oncol. 2024 Jan 4. doi: 10.1002/jso.27577.